The Groomsmen

best man

Louis Mercado

AJ’s cousin and Demi’s godfather.

I’m a _________ ________ in New York.
I love eating good food (follow @eatingbeauty.gram), taking long naps, and hosting my family when they come to visit. I especially like it when my Kuya AJ visits to eat Italian food and watch/play tennis.



Eric Mercado

I’m AJ’s cousin Eric aka EJ. I like to travel, snowboard, and blow money on delicious food like AJ. When I’m not gambling at the slots, I’m gambling on stocks


Bryan Gacusan

I've worked with AJ for over 7 years. We bond over watches and argue over projects on regular basis. When I'm not staring at myself in the mirror with my new aerodynamic (dare I say, Japanese made?) cycling shorts on, I like to... (in progress)


Fady Makram

AJ and I have been friends since we both started attending McMaster for Engineering. When I'm done building multi-million dollar companies and sell them like hotcakes, I like to... (in progress)


Jorell Gantioqui

AJ’s cousin and The other half of Jormando Jose Lacsatioqui

Loves going out to eat with the family and just wants to see Drake, Kendrick and J.Cole be friends.



Chris Gantioqui

Finance & Accounting isn’t that Lame
SPY is the best name for the Game

WWE is my favourite type of entertainment
My work ethic is my greatest attainment

Aj and I enjoy going on a run
Chilling with the fam is always fun


Leonard Gantioqui

I'm one of AJ's cousins. As children, we bonded over pokemon. That's what we all grew up on, am I right?! When I'm not eating pie or discussing storyline/plot for smackdown, my girlfriend and I like to...(in progress)


Jeremy Torres

I'm one of AJ's eldest cousins. I showed AJ dancehall and house music. 90’s r&b is my jam. Can’t go wrong with a good round of golf. Cilantro taste like soap.


Braeden Tapnio

Hey I’m Braeden, I’d like to think I’m kind of funny but that’s up for debate. I love food but you won’t catch me eating anything with olives in it.


Matt Osaer

AJ and I have been friends for over a decade now. I'm the resident SWAGU chef. Hardworking man by day. Tutter in the clubber by night. When I'm not showing my son how to dunk from the freethrow line, we like to...(in progress)


Froilan Adviento

Some of you may know me as Froi, most know me as Foshort, AJ’s rap duo partner (eternal soldiers 4lyfe)

I love long walks on short beaches, I am a Filipino food enthusiast, and a WNBA fanatic.


Melvin Servida

I've known AJ since I was a baby. Literally. He's my unofficial Kuya and I love him and he's always coaching me in life. He's so tall and cool. We deadlift together. When he's done putting me in a master lock, we like to go out and get...(in progress)


Patrick Vilbar

I'm one of AJ's Childhood Friends. We've known each other since elementary school. I like guitars of all shapes and sizes. When I'm not setting fields on fire or melting hearts, I like to make music and draw Batman.