A Timeline of Us


We met for the first time in our grade six class at St. Paul Catholic School in Guelph, ON.

What I remember most about AJ is that he was very loud and tall.

We were in the same class every year up until High School. We both attended Bishop MacDonell Catholic High School in Guelph, ON.

I was a quiet and shy girl growing up, so we barely spoke to eachother.

We both graduated in 2011 and went our separate ways.

Here's our yearbook photos from grade 10.

December 2020

Near the end of 2020, AJ reached out and asked to meet up for coffee. He thought of me because there was an incident in elementary school where he made a joke and it had made me upset.

We met up for the first time in 2021 and went to Mississauga and Toronto for some sushi and a walk. It was during the pandemic so most places were closed and we had to eat the food in AJ's car.

Here's the room service we had at the Four Seasons. Mmm, it looks so good...

April 24, 2021

Yay! We became official on April 24, 2021 and spent every weekend together. We lived close to eachother so we met up during the week a lot too.

We met each other's parents, and had some great times together.

Here's us in December 2021 - AJ took this photo!


Oh my goodness, this was a huge year for us!

I found out I was pregnant while we were eating at Mimi Chinese in March 2022.

After that, both of our parents met, we bought baby supplies, hosted a baby shower, welcomed our baby girl Demi, and our lives have never been the same!

Here's her at 3 hours old - look how small she is!

October 26, 2022

My original due date was November 5, 2022 but I ended up giving birth on October 26, 2022. That night I had some mild contractions - they weren't painful but they came often so we decided to go to the hospital just in case.

Oh it was so scary and the contractions became so painful, but thankfully I got there in time to get an epidural. After that, I didn't feel anything.

I pushed for about 40 minutes and baby was born! The hospital staff were great and we took baby Demi home the next day.

P.S. This is the first photo I ever took of her!

April 2, 2023

Life with Demi was great, I felt so much love for her and every day was (and still is) a great day with her around.

We celebrated her Baptism on April 2, 2023 and this is also the date that AJ proposed! Yay! We are now engaged!

So much can change in such a small amount of time.

October 26, 2023

Baby's First Birthday!

The first year with Demi went by so fast. She went from sleeping all day to sitting up, to crawling, walking, laughing, and talking!

Demi experienced many firsts and we feel so lucky to have gotten to watch her grow up.

Happy Birthday Baby!


So much has happened to us in the last three years or so and we can't wait to see what comes next!

As many of you know, October 26, 2024 is not only the date of our wedding, but also Demi's Birthday! Every Wedding Anniversary will also be a celebration of our baby!

We want to thank you, our guests, for being able to come celebrate our family's big day - having you there will make it so much more special!